The end’s here and this year’s Senioritis hosts said goodbye: A Case Of Senioritis, Part II

The never-ending (as it appeared to be) senior countdown has finally come to an end.
Picture from senior Martina Shutze’s Instagram.
And in the clock the hours seem to never pass
like a never-ending maze where we learned to laugh
The hour hand struck two
with too many memories to leave behind
with too many hands left to hold
with too little time for us to take in
and b r e a t h e
A little playground is wrapped and stored
Yet, somehow, many stories are still left to be told
the untold truth of what dear world has would come to be
became our hopes and memories
Now the world seems to be a lot bigger
Than just four walls and classrooms in repeat
Cracked knees and swollen toes
a pair of shiny bows and sudden woes
The inconsolable tears in the back of the green classroom
and the shoulder that grew bigger to put your head on

Picture taken by Ms. Carolina on the Seniors’ last day of school.
I wanted to know what it was like to be
tall enough to reach over the l roof
to be able to see through the holes
all the missing pieces of the memories’ puzzle
Of such a united little world
That could fit in a room
However, as scary as it seems
the day approaches as our reality is washed away
The night has come to an end
And the mystery of what dear fate has come to be
becomes your new hopes and memories
I still have some memories to take in
and time to breathe o u t
But as you step out of the playground
and reach out to the atmosphere
We’ll be watching inside through the foggy mirrors
As it’s so hard to say good- (bye)

The XXII seniors laugh over reading their child selves’ letters to themselves in the future.
Picture taken by me.